
This blog is dedicated to fitness and wellness for all stages of life. Feel free to browse, offer suggestions, ask questions and be a part of the health and wellness movement.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If you're in the Boston area you should definitely check out some of the new fitness classes sponsored by the Franklin Park Coalition.  They're FREE!

The next series of free fitness classes will be at the end of September 2012 so stay tuned.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Olympics: Go Gabby!

Needless to say I am still motivated!  Congratulations to Gabby Douglas who won the gold medal in the all around competition in Gymnastics.  I love her bright and bubbly personality.  She is clearly enjoying her moment and takes pride in her talent.  A clear example of grace under fire

Be inspired and allow yourself a new challenge to your daily fitness routine.  Or at least a new adventure!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Motivation: The Olympics!

Hello All,

Posting just in time to give you some summer motivation by way of the Olympics.

I was moved to see Gabby Douglas vault that horse so flawlessly and perform a very upbeat and happy floor routine that was equally flawless.  Not to omit her extraordinary teammates Wieber and Raisman who also performed an amazing floor routine that ensured the US Gymnastics Womens' Team the Gold Medal.

As of late I've been a bit of an Olympic nerd: From scooting in my seat during the Track and Field trials. Go Allyson Felix and Carmilita Jeter;  to reviewing YouTube video's of past performances and sitting up until 1am to watch Mike Phelps make history as the most decorated Olympian to date.  

That being said and observed, my response was to hit the pavement after work to build more muscle and burn some calories.  I've run a minimum of 3 miles on light days and a maximum of 5 miles on my more aggressive days.  Assisted by hand weights for an extra burn.  In the mornings my aim is to wake up ready to challenge myself with a good hour of strength and endurance training with the kettlebells.  I'm rather addicted to the kettlebells these days. For some reason I've never felt stronger or more in control of my own destiny. Sounds a little corny, but you get the idea.

Perhaps it's the jolt I get from watching the finest of athletes achieve their life long dream.  Or the fact that they're all ripped and that's what I aspire to be daily.  Oh the agony!  Either way I'm motivated to set new goals, achieve new heights and build a stronger body.

So what motivates you to become your personal best?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Introducing: Interval Training

If your interested in trying out a simple interval training routine to increase your caloric burn and add to your speed try this simple 45 minute interval workout routine:
  5 mins  3.0-4.0 Walk (very, very brisk walk)
10 mins  5.0-6.5 Run
  5 mins  3.0-4.0 Walk
10 mins  5.0-6.5 Run
  5 mins  3.0-4.0 Walk
10 mins  5.0-6.5 Run
And then cool down for 5 minutes (which actually makes this 50 minutes)
This is great for those individuals that are new to interval training.  If you need more a challenge try increasing the incline by a percentage of 3-5 or simply increase the speed. I have been doing a variation of this routine for a couple of weeks now and the calorie burn was amazing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Drink Up!

A friend and I were comparing our fitness preferences.  He likes Marathons and the training they require, while I like the variety that cross fit trainings and bootcamps have to offer.  As we agreed that each method allows us to reach and expand our fitness goals.  Knowing the type of work that is required to be in marathon shape:  the need for a strong heart, good stamina, muscular endurance, and lean body mass I was surprised to learn that water was not on the top of his list when it came to diet.

Water is, without a doubt, one of the very best diet aids and fat reducers.  It suppresses your appetite. Reduces sodium buildup and helps maintain muscle tone.  From birth we are made up of 70-75% water.  As our bodies develop the water percentage changes where men are about 60-65% water  and women's bodies our made up of 50-60% water.

That being said, be sure to take care of your liquid assets and consume your daily needed intake of water in order to promote the good that water does for your overall health.  Below is fun illustration of the bodies need for H2O.  Drink up!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Plyometrics is a form of exercise intensity where the muscles are shocked to a point when  they are able to, over time, react faster, with increased endurance and provide better balance for the body.   Over all it helps to build a stronger muscle in less time and requires no additional equipment.  This method of muscle strength and endurance is rather common in a few of the latest fitness videos out today.   Like with any new fitness phenomenon, there are the pros and cons.
Plyos are most suitable for athletes who are training for better performance in a particular sport.  It requires full control of the body through out the entire range of motion and proper execution is vital for safety’s sake.  That said, it is not advisable to start a new fitness program, for the first time, using plyometrics.  Your body should be in very good physical shape as should your fitness level  before adding this to your regimen.  An intermediate level of fitness is probably a good start.  At this level your body should have a good sense balance and control; and sound tendons and ligaments to support the joint area being worked. 
Like with any type of exercise you should always weigh the pros and cons, do your research and don’t try to do too much at one time.  Take a gradual approach, start slow, protect the joints and be safe.  You only get one body.
Below is an example of a simple plyometric exercise movement that works the lower body from the gluteus maximus to the gastrocnemius.

Kettlebell Swings: The Right and Wrong

When lifting or swinging the kettlebell over the head from the squat position, (otherwise known as the overhead swing), the body should be straight. Do not over extend the hips forward nor arch the back.



Wrong:  notice the back is over arched allowing the backside to stick out; this can cause back pain and/or injury